About This Project


Sinecittà shows the falling apart of reality and, at the same time, it displays the opening to new scenarios created by technology in a moment of a urgent need during the covid-19 pandemic. The subjects are taken from analog photographs, while the backgrounds have been modeled on computer using a 3D software. The images in Sinecittà are a hybrid of photography and computer graphic. They take place in a desert city, like the one we experienced in the last months, but is there still a city to photograph beyond those pixel walls? The title means “without city” and it refers to the Cinecittà studios in Rome, where, just like in Federico Fellini’s Amarcord, an entire fictional city can be built.
This project has been made in ZEROSCENA Art Lab by Luka Bagnoli, Annalisa Ghiro, Elisa La Boria and Claudio Rao.



2nd Edition