About This Project

Nadja Hallstrom

These photos are from a wild horse rescue center. The horse is a universal symbol for freedom. Now the wild horses in the US are about to become extinct because of a corrupt system that allows the cattle owners and the meat industries to take over. Chasing such a strong symbol for freedom because of profitable interest becomes a reminder of how far it is between the dream of freedom how it once looked – and the cynicism that often characterizes man’s view of nature today. The wild horses are rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management and after that they spend their life’s in small holding facilities. A few of them get adopted but often end up in the wrong hands because they are sold for such a low fee and they sometimes end up getting abused. I am taking pictures of the people who are rehabilitating the abused horses and of the people who are fighting for the wild ones to survive. And I have several times the past few years spent time at a wild horse rescue center. There they work with rehabilitating the wild horses that were abused. Once they are captured by the Bureau of Land Management it is against the law to let them out in the wild again.
At the rescue center they do an amazing job making these horses trust people and getting them new loving homes.




2nd Edition