About This Project

Natalie Strohmaier


Unattainable Beauty

The photo series »Unattainable Beauty« deals with the artificial creation of beauty. An unrealistic ideal of physical beauty combined with the latest fashion standards continues to be often portrayed in popular media and creates pressure on individuals to conform to a certain body type or fashion standards. With flowers as a symbol of beauty, the »models« are made up of flowers and plants. They are assembled into artificial, unnatural creatures that pose in front of the camera like fashion models to highlight the absurdity and superficiality of the beauty and fashion industry‘s standards. All of the »models« are hand assembled from various cut flowers and potted plants and were photographed in the studio. Please find making-of videos on nataliestrohmaier.de and instagram as viewers often mistakenly categorize my work as AI-generated. The photographs are retouched to »clean« the picture and edited in terms of light and colour.



7th edition